
Stand by what you sell – Goat Webinar

Integrity Systems Company and Goat Industry Council of Australia – Stand by what you sell Goat Webinar. 28 July Practical tips for goat producers that make accessing and using Livestock Production Assurance, the National Livestock Identification System and electronic National Vendor Declarations easier. Free to register:  https://bit.ly/2Z9Ib7y Link to all ISC upcoming events: https://www.integritysystems.com.au/events […]

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Red meat supply chains stronger together in fight against COVID19

Australia’s red meat and livestock industry held its second virtual round table yesterday to ensure all parts of the supply chain adapt to the evolving COVID-19 response and ensure high quality and nutritious meat for all Australians. The representative bodies have committed to ensuring the health and safety of staff and customers by doing everything […]

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MLA’s latest goatmeat global snapshot

Key points: The value of Australian goatmeat exports totalled A$235.7 million in 2019, up 29% on the year prior, supported by increased prices. Australia remains the largest exporter of goatmeat, despite accounting for only ~1% of global production. A lack of familiarity, price competitiveness and volatile supply remain the key challenges for the industry. For […]

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National Goat Roadshow

Barossa Valley Thursday 26 September, 9.30am – 2.30pm Stockwell Recreation Park, Duck Ponds Road, Stockwell How can goats add value to your bottom line? The National Goat Roadshow focuses on improving on-farm practices and business management skills in the Australian goat industry, as well as profiling the range of new resources and tools produced by […]

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Goat industry development day

This event will provide you with a round-up of the latest happenings in the industry, what opportunities exist and give you a go at putting your learnings into practice with hands-on activities. Come along on the 1st and 2nd October 2019 to find out more on: how you can use growth rates, genetics and visual […]

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Integrity system — for goat producers

A system of food safety measures, quality assurance and traceability from paddock to plate guarantees the integrity of Australia’s $22.9 billion red meat industry — including $257 million in goatmeat exports — to our customers. This integrity system protects the disease-free status of Australian red meat and underpins the marketi ng of our product as […]

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The revised fit to load guide: what’s changed?

Meat and Livestock Australia’s – ‘Is the animal fit to load?’ guide has recently been revised (May 2019). In this presentation, join MLA’s Ted Parish (Adoption Manager – Northern Beef) and Queensland cattle producer Russell Lethbridge when they talk through the new guide and in particular: what has changed, and what it means for producers, […]

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MISP 2030

The red meat industry is going through major change driven by new consumer choices and a changing operating environment. Our 2030 future will look very different from today. The Meat Industry Strategic Plan 2030 will help people across our industry embrace this change as an opportunity to create a new and better future. It is […]

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Producers invited to share experiences

Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) in conjunction with the Goat Industry Council of Australia (GICA) is running a project called ‘Dough from Doe$’. The aim of the project is to review advanced breeding programs for meat goat production. It involves a literature review of goat breeding programs worldwide, identifying what programs are being used in […]

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