
National Residue Survey (NRS) – 2021/22

The National Residue Survey (NRS) is an operational unit within the Australian Government Department of Agriculture and Water Resources, and since 1992 has been funded by industries through levies or contracted by direct funding.

The NRS is an essential part of Australia’s pesticide and veterinary medicine residue management framework providing verification of good agricultural practice in support of chemical control-of-use legislation and guidelines.

NRS residue monitoring programs monitor the levels of, and associated risks from, pesticides and veterinary medicine residues in Australian food products. The programs help to facilitate and encourage ongoing access to domestic and export markets.

NRS supports Australia’s primary producers and food processors who provide quality animal, grain and horticulture products which meet both Australian and relevant international standards.

Key Points:

  • In 2021–22, the overall compliance with Australian standards was 98.89%.
  •  Australian goat producers continue to demonstrate a high degree of good agricultural practice. 
  • The National Residue Survey’s quality management system (QMS) is certified to ISO standard 9001:2015.
