
Have your say by 30 May

What changes would you like to see in the industry in five years’ time?

  • Do you want to know what growth rates to expect from young rangeland animals? 
  • Do you want access to more information about the markets your animals are headed to so you can better select the animals you’re sending to slaughter or for live-export?

These are some of the pieces of work and targets industry is looking to have in place in the coming five-year period. 
Want to know more? Check out the draft Goatmeat and Livestock Industry Strategic Plan 2015-2020 which is being developed by the Goat Industry Council of Australia (GICA) and Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA).
The purpose of the plan is to inform industry investment and growth, and to provide a roadmap for industry development by outlining a clear set of achievable goals. 
Some elements of the plan are still under development including for example, the Key Performance Indicators and we’d like you to tell us what you feel is missing from the plan and what targets you think are reasonable. 
Send your feedback to MLA Goat Industry Project Manager Julie Petty T: 07 3620 5225 or jpetty@mla.com.au by 30 May 2015.
The draft plan will be reviewed in full by GICA at their next meeting (at the end of April) and will be published in June 2015. Submissions provided after the meeting will be considered by GICA in June.